Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Sliding Scale of White Privilege

I've gotten through the hump of generalized theory, and today resolved to sit down and sort out the minute trappings of this menacing shadow we know of today as "white privilege".

Remember, we know that all privilege is insidious, as it places an advantage or disadvantage upon a person or group simply for being born a certain way. But what is it in particular about the system of white privilege that makes it so utterly absurd, but only if you can even get your mind wrapped around it?

Unlike hetero-male privilege, white privilege is not based on any solid, definable characteristic that makes it simple to discern. You're easily quantifiable by gender, less so by sexual identity, but with race, the definitions become considerably more hazy.

What is "whiteness"?

Whiteness is the degree of race privilege you have in Western society. While not expressly based on skin color (it can also be bought, to an extent), it follows the guideline of what I like to call "Anglo-Normativity", which is the specific degree to which you appear similar to the "white" ideal - blond, straight hair, blue eyes, and, of course, pale skin.

This creates an unwritten and unspoken-of hierarchy that has permeated into every facet of our social interaction - from labor to government, in nearly every country (including those where no "Anglo-Normative" people exist), people have ranked themselves according to this sliding scale of white privilege.

In Latin America, those with lighter skin have more, and can do more than those that look more indigenous.

In East Asia, those with lighter skin have more, and can do more than those that look more Indonesian or Guinean.

In North America, there are "whites" -- which includes everyone that isn't visibly African to any degree (including some Arabs and "Latinos"), and there are "blacks"; and within black culture there still exists a white privilege, as those with lighter skin and "better" hair are simultaneously rewarded and envied by other black folks, and enjoy favorability among whites as well.

It doesn't take a sociologist to see the same recurring pattern of unexposed and institutionalized white power, among people who have less to gain from being considered "white" in the first place!

So, what do we do about it?

Regardless of how Anglo-Normative you are, it is your responsibility to actively seek out and expose all manifestations of white supremacy in our society.

Regardless of how much intensity you are comfortable with in resisting white power, you, and everyone else, have to do something; whether it consists of forcing liberals to talk about race and their appropriation and tokenization of minorities, or it consists of getting a crew to spread literature, single out and beat down Nazis and Klansmen in your area, something needs to be done.

This cannot be put more simply: Systems of power and privilege need to be countered at all turns. Don't let anyone get away with "nigger" and "bitch" and "pussy" and "fag", it is in your interest not to participate in that nonsense, and silence IS participation.

And if you really think about it, it really is very, very absurd.


  1. Are we still on this racism thing? Really? I thought that after all this black people would start to realize that racism has gone from a legitimate concern to an excuse for everything wrong in the life of a black man.

    Every single program that gives free money, or education or jobs or housing out. they're all directed to minorities. If I was black or mexican or whatever else I wouldn't have to pay for college. I mean for god sakes the president is black now. Don't you think its time to look past racism as the cause of this so called "white privilege" and start to look at yourselves?

    For instance, why do black people fill our ghettos and unemployment offices? Because they run around shooting and robbing and vandalizing. They make neighborhoods ghettos... they aren't just confined there. There isn't a white man keeping you there. White people live in good neighborhoods, not because we're rich or privileged but because we pay rent on time, don't deal drugs, have jobs and generally keep to ourselves. Not to say that we are ALWAYS that way. But numbers and statistics have a place.

    In short, stop destroying yourselves, stop getting everything for free and then failing to make use of it. every time a black man calls racism on something that's obviously not he just comes off worse and people hate more for that. Any racism exists because black people make it. They don't try to better themselves and any black man who does gets called out for being "too white." Yea, how dare a black man rise out of the ghetto and be a successful man who has a legal business and doesn't just sit around and bitch about his situation.

    Think about it, if anything what exists right now is the minority privilege, one that most are too ignorant to take advantage of.


    To contact me for further discussion my e-mail is

  2. thought:

    although I agree with your view on the words "nigger", "bitch", "pussy", "fag", etc., (and I personally am still working on putting that into action) generally I find that even reasonable, good-natured objections to any of those words is usually met with the same type of neoliberal anti-PC angst that animal rights discussions are.

    silence can be participation at times, but in a way it avoids creating a confrontational dichotomy. I find bringing up the issue more often provokes people to relish in their choices instead of eventually maturing into our position.

    some people just won't change. not worth trying to convince them, although it's fun to feel right in an argument I guess.

    the people who are willing to change may do so on their own, but may resent feedback about it and react negatively.

    I've come to find silence is sometimes the only thing that works.


  3. I want to let you in on a secret:

    I used to think, and agree with, everything that you just said.

    I WAS alienated by mainstream black culture, for being "too white". I WAS the middle-class person who could only look at the end result of oppression, as you do, and simply blame those people for "destroying themselves".

    In short, Randy, I was you. I had the mentality of a white, middle-class liberal, like you, and my parents, and Obama, and everyone else in their social circles and elite clubs.

    Then I realized that I, like you, was being used by the American "bootstrap" excuse for blaming those whose cultural identity has been stripped for creating a more self-destructive culture to replace it.

    You honestly have no authority to say that it would be so easy for a person of color, born into a world where the only options seem to be those self-destructive ones, to suddenly have obedient, responsible, middle-class sensibilities like yours, and mine.

    You also have no authority to say that the success of white people here is based only on their virtues. You know it, Randy! That's just another excuse to believe that white, rich folks are just "naturally better" than everyone else.

    As you can see, your argument is completely absurd and proves my point exactly: Privilege is blinding.

    What's even more sad? I've heard this same fucked-up argument from black liberals and conservatives.


  4. To Maxx:

    Yes, I understand what you mean. I did, however, include that provision for "the extent to which you are comfortable".

    Personally, I see white supremacy is violent, therefore I plan to be willing and able to defend against that violence.

    But it depends on the situation, of course.
